Original Item: Only One Available. This is an interesting and slightly mysterious Shotgun. It is a single barrel shotgun, dated 1861 in the stock and marked N. ASHMORE on the lock. However, the barrel however is marked London and bears London proof marks.
There is not a known British gun maker by the name of "N. Ashmore". The only Ashmore recorded as a gun maker in England was "R. Ashmore who only worked for 7 years between 1768 and 1775 in London.
As a conclusion, we believe that this is an American made weapon constructed in Pennsylvania in 1861 using a British manufactured "trade barrel". The barrel was made and in London and then proofed there as required by British law. The lock and stock were then made by Ashmore, N. a Lock maker of flint and percussion arms who was located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and was actively working in the 1860s.
This is an honest shotgun of light construction with brass trigger guard and iron butt plate, small repair to front of trigger guard but otherwise in very nice condition. Complete with original ramrod with brass base fitting to accept screw in jag and brushes (not included).
Please read this excerpt from the book From "A Short History of Lancaster County, PA"
"Kentucky Rifle"
At the out break of the Revolution, Lancastrians local mechanics and
workers began producing tons of rifles, shoes, boots, uniforms, blankets,
hardware & food.
During the French & Indian War, Lancaster's gunsmiths and other artisans
were hard at work turning out the materials of war. Still earlier, the
Pennsylvania rifle, later known as the Kentucky rifle when carried into the
Ohio Valley, was developed in Lancaster County. This "apprenticeship"
prepared Lancaster County for the role it was to play during the
Revolution. County mills ground out barrels of flour and wagonmakers built
Conestoga wagons & other vehicles. Local furnaces & forges were kept busy
smelting, casting & hammering iron for the tools of war. Lancaster County
was the arsenal, work shop and granary of the Continental armies.
From information that Lloyd Ashmore provided concerning the Kentucky Rifles:
"American Gun Makers"
Ashmore - Unidentified, maker of Kentucky rifles 1800-1810
Ashmore, N. - Lockmaker, flint & percussion arms. Percussion shotgun locks
marked "N. Ashmore"
Ashmore, R. - Lockmaker , flint & percussion arms, Maker of a Kentucky
rifle flint lock marked "R. Ashmore Warranted" and of an original Kentucky
rifle percussion lock marked "R" and "Ashmore" in two lines.
Another book had the dates as 1800-1830 Lancaster Co, PA with the same